Three little children play in the shantytown of Kaweni, on the outskirts of Mamoudzou. in Mayotte, more than 50% of the population is under 18 years old, which makes it the youngest department in France.

General view of Majicavo Lamir slum, General view of the Majicavo Lamir slum, where children died in a landslide.

A child stands on the roof of a car on a dangerous slope.

In the mangrove, pages of the Koran are left in the branches of trees. This is to ward off the Djinns, evil spirits in Islam, who inhabit the mangrove.

Ali Abou Attoumani (foreground), technical supervisor in the "Nayma" association, shows an area cleaned by his teams in the mangrove near Majicavo Lamir.