View of an Israeli strike on Beirut's southern suburbs, just outside the international airport, on the night of Monday 21st to Tuesday 22nd October 2024.

Ivana is a 18-month-old baby admitted to Geitaoui hospital after an Israeli strike on her hometown in southern Lebanon. She suffers from severe burns on more than half her body. Here, the patients arrive "carbonized", says Ziad Sleiman, a plastic reconstruction surgeon in the hospital’s "burns unit".

Riot in front of the “Hamra Star” as police attempt to dislodge 250 Lebanese refugees occupying the disused building in downtown Beirut, October 22, 2024.

Female migrant workers take refuge in a shed in southern Beirut, October 2024. These domestic workers are often enslaved by wealthy Lebanese families - Many of them are now abandoned in the war.

An Israeli strike observed from the window of my car in the vicinity of Rayak, in the Bekaa Valley, Hezbollah's stronghold, in November 2024.

In Beirut's southern suburbs, reputedly pro-Hezbollah, residents cling to their slim hopes of victory - like this man in his living room, with portraits of Hassan Nasrallah on the walls. The building opposite has been bombed, but the man refuses to leave his home.